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Nerida, Australia

Jeannie , Female South African Surrogate Mother From South Africa

Jeannie Surrogate Mother Profile

Me and my son

Me and my sisters im on the fa

Me and my husband

Me and my daughter
Date Registered: 27 Jun 2018 Last Modified: 27 Jun 2018 Last Signed In: 16 Jul 2024
Added To 7 Favourites Surrogate Signed In 29 Times Has Sent 32 Intro Messages
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Brief Summary Of The Surrogate Mother

I\'am a 31 year old Female South African national from Queenswood in South Africa, I would like to be a Surrogate Mother for Heterosexual Couples. I have Black hair and Brown Eyes With 11 Or Less Years Of Education.

Contact Information For This Surrogate Mother

Name: Jeannie
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
Phone Number: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Queenswood
Region: Gauteng
Country: South Africa

Surrogate Mother Information

Nationality: South African
Race: Caucasian
Age: 31
Gender: Female
I Am A Smoker: Yes
I Would Like To Be A: Surrogate Mother
Have Been A Surrogate Mother:: No
Years Of Education: 11 Or Less Years
My Height Is: 163 cm
My Weight Is: 115 Lbs
My Health Is: Excellent
My Blood Type Is: O
My Marital Status Is: Married
Number Of Children I Have Is: 2
I Would Consider Couples Of: Heterosexual Couple
I Am Willing To Travel: Yes
I Have A Passport: No
My Hair Colour Is: Black
My Eye Colour Is: Brown
My Health Is: Excellent

The Reasons I Want To Be A Surrogate Mother:

Surrogates are given the chance to give a gift that no one else can. I’m one of those people who loves being pregnant. I can’t quite capture it in words, but being able to bring a child into this world is the most incredible feeling. The idea of being a surrogate has always fascinated me—there is nothing greater than the gift of a child, the gift of a life. i saw my sister go through the whole process and she had beautiful twins,i would love to do the same for anyonewhos battling to concieve

Description Of Myself:

"I am modest, but hard working and I consistently sets firm goals for myself. Then, once I've defined the benchmarks, I take the necessary steps to achieve those milestones.""Someone who thinks positively and who can execute on difficult tasks. I'm not an individual who needs to be micro-managed. Rather, when given a specific task, I can figure out the best ways to solve the problem in an autonomous manner." "I am a person who is able to control a situation rather than have a situation control them.

My Letter To You:

We haven’t met, but we’re looking for each other already. We’re about to embark on a great adventure that will knit our lives together intimately, at least for a time, and we don’t even know each other’s names! To me, you are Intended Parents, or IPs. To you, I am a Gestational Surrogate, Gestational Carrier or simply the Surrogate. What a strange way to begin such a relationship! Though I don’t yet know you, I am pretty sure that having to have me around wasn’t an original part of your family plans. I imagine your hopes and dreams have had to change and evolve much to lead you to this point. For that, I want you to know, that I think you’re incredibly courageous people and I admire your strength and resolve. I also want you to know that I understand what incredible trust you are placing in me and I do not take at lightly. Please be assured that I did not undertake this idea on a whim. It has come with the passage of time, the gathering of information, much discussion and even more prayer. While there has been a lot of focus on me throughout the process my health, my thoughts, my fears, my family’s role, etc I want you to know that we have never once lost track of you. You are why I am here! Without you, I wouldn’t be going on this journey. Thank you for giving me this gift of an incredible opportunity. I know you’ll probably wonder and worry a lot about me. How can you know if I am eating right, sleeping enough, being active but not too active? How can you be sure I am taking my prenatal vitamins, that I’m avoiding too much coffee, or that I won’t be exposed to something I shouldn’t be? Can you be sure that on delivery day, we’ll all be on the same page medically? Can you rest assured that I will carry your child with as much care as my own? How will you know that I will be as communicative as you’d want? The answer to all those questions is you can’t know and you can’t be sure, you just have to trust me. I will do the same for you. I will trust that you’ll understand my needs and my judgment, just as I will do for you. At the end of this adventure, I hope we can look back on the time where you were just IPs and I was just the surrogate and laugh because it seems so silly to have not always known and cared for one another. Here’s to our journey! Lets go on an adventure!


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I'm So Happy, Matched!!!
jennifer, United States