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Dor & Sar, Australia

Gk , Male South African Sperm Donor From South Africa

Gk Sperm Donor Profile

It's me in photo.

It's me in photo.2
Date Registered: 14 Mar 2018 Last Modified: 14 Mar 2018 Last Signed In: 01 Jun 2018
Added To 3 Favourites Surrogate Signed In 2 Times Has Sent 39 Intro Messages
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Brief Summary Of The Sperm Donor

I\'am a 36 year old Male South African national from Centurion in South Africa, I would like to be a Sperm Donor for Heterosexual , Gay , Lesbian , Single Woman,Single Man Couples. I have Light Brown hair and Blue Eyes With 13-16 Years Of Education. I currently have a passport and I am willing to travel anywhere in the world.

Contact Information For This Sperm Donor

Name: Gk
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
Phone Number: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Centurion
Region: Gauteng
Country: South Africa

Sperm Donor Information

Nationality: South African
Race: Caucasian
Age: 36
Gender: Male
I Am A Smoker: No
I Would Like To Be A: Sperm Donor
Have Been A Sperm Donor:: No
Years Of Education: 13-16 Years
My Height Is: 183 cm
My Weight Is: 175 Lbs
My Health Is: Excellent
My Blood Type Is: O
My Marital Status Is: Single no partner
Number Of Children I Have Is: 0
I Would Consider Couples Of: Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man
I Am Willing To Travel: Yes
I Have A Passport: Yes
My Hair Colour Is: Light Brown
My Eye Colour Is: Blue
My Health Is: Excellent

The Reasons I Want To Be A Sperm Donor:

Donating my gonads may achieve a dream come true for grateful parents who love from a platform of empowered care. I feel that by giving life I can make a positive meaningful contribution to the betterment of society and in so doing I can help add good healthy genetic value to humanity as a whole.

Description Of Myself:

I like detail therefore I love info. Google is my soul mate and books my true love.... I don't know how to summarise myself in this short space. I'm addicted to laughing like we all should be but unfortunately this world has gone mostly slapstick comedy so now.... Finding sharp Intellectual humour is like finding a fairies in a world of black and white pessimistic realism where dreams and colour of rainbows are written on tomb stones. I'm Young and serious at times but like to believe I have great sense of humour and an Extraordinary Imagination with no boxes to define myself by. I don't think on how to think outside the box.... I ask what box. Basically to sum it up: I'm Intelligent and Good looking with a good sense of humour, organised structured.,driven to succeed. Positive and Optimistic. Dislike moaning about negative things that we can't change. Petrol,Economy,Traffic.....etc etc I Appreciate all things beautiful and craftsmanship that goes into it. Whether its a beautiful flower or an old vintage car. I am very much a go getter in life, very goal driven, career driven, I am spiritual. I like knowing more about anything and everything.  I like to experience new things in life, as long as it isn't damaging to my body, I have a philosophy, If I'm to comfortable I'm not growing if I'm not growing I'm degenerating which means I could be just as well as dead because then I'm just wasting my time living and just being an oxygen thief. I cannot change those around me so it leaves only me to consistently keep changing ever evolving and becoming the best me I can be. Stepping up and taking responsibility for my life. Some of my hobbies include: reading, writing, gardening, drawing, hiking, photography, singing, dancing, swimming, bowling, darts, pool, design learning new languages.

My Letter To You:

As grateful parents who desire so much to have a child I believe that you will learn to love from a platform of unconditional empowered loving care as it has probably not been an easy journey to get to this point of asking a sperm donar for assistance. I solute you.


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Wonderful Site Great Way To Connect!
Catherine, United States