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Korvin ftm surrogate father , Female Irish Surrogate Mother From United States

Korvin ftm surrogate father Surrogate Mother Profile

Date Registered: 17 Nov 2009 Last Modified: 17 Nov 2009 Last Signed In: 19 Jan 2011
Added To 0 Favourites Surrogate Signed In 1 Times Has Sent 20 Intro Messages
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Brief Summary Of The Surrogate Mother

I\'am a 37 year old Female Irish national from Fort Collins 80521 in United States, I would like to be a Surrogate Mother for Heterosexual , Gay , Lesbian , Single Woman,Single Man Couples. I have Light Brown hair and Green Eyes With 13-16 Years Of Education.

Contact Information For This Surrogate Mother

Name: Korvin ftm surrogate father
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
Phone Number: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Fort Collins 80521
Region: Colorado
Country: United States

Surrogate Mother Information

Nationality: Irish
Race: Caucasian
Age: 37
Gender: Female
I Am A Smoker: No
I Would Like To Be A: Surrogate Mother
Have Been A Surrogate Mother:: No
Years Of Education: 13-16 Years
My Height Is: 175 cm
My Weight Is: 150 Lbs
My Health Is: Excellent
My Blood Type Is: Unknown
My Marital Status Is: Married
Number Of Children I Have Is: 1
I Would Consider Couples Of: Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man
I Am Willing To Travel: No
I Have A Passport: No
My Hair Colour Is: Light Brown
My Eye Colour Is: Green
My Health Is: Excellent

The Reasons I Want To Be A Surrogate Mother:

Over the last two years, there have been many sperm donors who were generous enough to offer to assist us in growing our own family. I cannot thank these people enough. I now realize the importance of this. I'd donate sperm if I could, but since I cannot, I'd like to donate what I actually can provide to help another family.

Description Of Myself:

I am a transgender male and have legally transitioned from female to male, although I have retained my ability to carry a child (I am NOT Thomas Beatie, ha ha). My transition in no way affects my ability to get pregnant or my right to produce biological children, just like anyone else. If you don't like what I'm doing, please simply move on to the next female surrogate, and do not contact me. I am a healthy 23-year-old married father of one. I don't plan on actually carrying out surrogacy plans for at least another five or so years, but I figure that it never hurts to plan ahead, as many of you are probably doing. If you'd like to choose me as your surrogate, I'm willing to keep in contact until I'm physically able to pursue this for you (I have to get through my upcoming pregnancy and the remainder of college first). I am, however, completely dedicated to providing this service. If you're serious about choosing me, I'll be absolutely dedicated to sticking around to help you fulfill your dreams. I'll answer any and all questions you might have along the way - I'm very open. I'm willing to surrogate free of charge, as long as you cover medical expenses and travel for my wife and I if necessary (she is in this just as much as I am). I am willing to discuss the possibility of state-provided prenatal care, depending on circumstances. I am also willing to donate my eggs for a pregnancy, as long as we can both put some time into thoroughly researching the laws applicable to the situation. The laws in Colorado are tricky for this. My heritage is 1/2 Dutch, the rest is Irish, Italian, German and French. I have light brown hair and green eyes. I have been described as attractive as both female and male. I am in excellent health and have never experienced any genetically-linked health problems. I did have a kidney infection when I was very young, and I had my right parotid (salivary) glad removed this year due to a benign tumor, but am just fine now. Likewise, I have never had any mental health problems, no lapses in mental health, or any other red flags. I lead a very healthy lifestyle. There has been cancer discovered on my mother's side. My sister has diabetes, although she most likely inherited this from her biological father. My father was heavily involved in drugs until recently; however, I've never touched any drugs, myself. I have been studying prenatal development on my own for the past two years. I am an artist, and love drawing/sketching, graphic design, photography, and interior design. I have been involved in archery and rock climbing for quite some time. Currently, I am pursuing a degree in Sociology, and plan to double major in Social Work as well. My career goal is to eventually work with at-risk youth. My biggest passions are my family and working for social change/progress.

My Letter To You:

Thank you for considering me to help you grow your family. As stated before, it is very important for me to be able to provide assistance to another family in need of help. The sperm donors my wife and I have come across to help our family grow donate only because they wish to help, and I want very much to pay the favor forward. Let me tell you a little about myself: I was adopted into a Latter-Day Saint (Mormon) family at three days old. Many of the values I grew up with still stick with me today, although I am no longer practicing. I grew up in an upper-middle class setting and my childhood was fairly happy. I met both of my birth parents, all siblings, and one set of grandparents a few years ago, and can verify their health history with confidence. I now maintain a good relationship with my birth family. I made the decision to transition from female to male in 2004, after realizing that it was the right thing to do for myself (transgender status is not carried in genetics). I have never been happier. I began taking hormones under a physician’s supervision in December of 2006. In July of 2008, I had a double mastectomy, which allowed me to change all of my documents to male. It should be said that none of these things affect my ability to become pregnant, to carry a child to term, or to naturally give birth to a child. I am currently abstaining from hormones in preparation to become pregnant with my (and my wife’s) second child. I met my wife in early 2007, who was, at the time, pregnant by her ex-fiancé. The baby, our son, has extensive health problems due to prenatal abuse by his biological father. Because of this and the biological father’s absence, I decided to pursue my son’s adoption. It has been a long and difficult road, but my son is my whole world – I would anything for him. Things are finally beginning to look up. My wife and I recently decided to try for our second child. I will be carrying because I have a strong desire to raise at least one biological child. My reproductive system still functions perfectly, and I feel that I have just as much right to use my reproductive abilities as everyone else, regardless of how they’re used. Since you may be interested, if you choose to have me as your surrogate, I am open to keeping you updated regularly throughout my pregnancy. I am very open to answering any questions you might have, and willing to keep in contact for the next few years, until college is done and I am physically able to help you pursue this step. I would like to aim for sometime in 2014/2015. I’d like to give preference to a gay couple because of the general level of difficulty experienced in having children; however, I’ll consider the most viable option. I’m willing to consider most future contact options: what I’d like most is to simply receive yearly pictures and updates on how the child is doing, however, my wife and I would be willing to play uncle/aunt roles, or, on the other side, only have potential contact after the child is 18. I’m not sure I’m comfortable with no contact ever – I would like to see, at least one day, how my service to your family has helped. Please let me know if I can help you. I’d love to get the ball rolling now for solid future plans. Thanks for your consideration!


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its great:) i've found a match
Sophie, United Kingdom