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Uday, India

Jade , Female Australian Surrogate Mother From Australia

Jade Surrogate Mother Profile


Date Registered: 09 Oct 2014 Last Modified: 09 Oct 2014 Last Signed In: 12 Jun 2015
Added To 14 Favourites Surrogate Signed In 1 Times Has Sent 20 Intro Messages
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Brief Summary Of The Surrogate Mother

I\'am a 43 year old Female Australian national from Brisbane in Australia, I would like to be a Surrogate Mother for Heterosexual , Gay Couples. I have Brown hair and Green Eyes With 12 Years Of Education. I currently have a passport and I am willing to travel anywhere in the world.

Contact Information For This Surrogate Mother

Name: Jade
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
Home Page URL: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Brisbane
Region: Queensland
Country: Australia

Surrogate Mother Information

Nationality: Australian
Race: Caucasian
Age: 43
Gender: Female
I Am A Smoker: No
I Would Like To Be A: Surrogate Mother
Have Been A Surrogate Mother:: No
Years Of Education: 12 Years
My Height Is: 175 cm
My Weight Is: 175 Lbs
My Health Is: Good
My Blood Type Is: O
My Marital Status Is: Married
Number Of Children I Have Is: 3
I Would Consider Couples Of: Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple
I Am Willing To Travel: Yes
I Have A Passport: Yes
My Hair Colour Is: Brown
My Eye Colour Is: Green
My Health Is: Good

The Reasons I Want To Be A Surrogate Mother:

Simply want to help someone to experience the amazingness of parenthood.

Description Of Myself:

I find these mini-bio things difficult to write.. what kind of information would people reading this want to know about me? So I'll give it my best shot, based on what I think I'd want to read. The basic details about me are that I am a happily married mother of three. I am a full time mother, and I am thankful that this has been possible for us, for two main reasons - one, because I want to be the person enjoying all those special moments in my child's life, teaching them lessons, watching them grow though please don't think that if you are a working parent I judge you or anything - I absolutely know that different choices are right for different people. And secondly because I'm an introvert who also suffers from anxiety and depression and I want to crawl under a rock at the thought of 9-5 interaction with people who are not my favourite people : Though I have depression and anxiety I have learned how to keep them under control and not push myself so far that I can't handle things. And also, drugs! That's a joke, of course. I *am* medicated but I don't just do what my doctor says. I take the time to learn and decide for myself. And for myself, medicine is essential. I grew up in both Queensland Sunshine Coast and Melbourne. I was an odd child, I think. I had friends but I was just as happy to play by myself or to get lost in the imaginary worlds of the several books I would have going at once. In the summer I liked that it stayed light for longer because I could open my curtain just enough to have light to read by but there was no tell-tale lamp light to shine under the door to give me away. I still love to read but now I mostly read ebooks or yes, I am admitting it fanfics online. And I'm a grown up so no one tells me I have to go to sleep. I just drop the ipad on my face. To entertain myself in my spare time which I have a lot of because I am a full time mother whose only responsibilities are eating chocolates and watching soap operas I have a variety of interests. I love Sci-fi and fantasy, true love and happily ever after and these themes tend to dictate the movies, TV and books I choose. Fun fact: I have been a Trekkie for as long as I can remember and I met my husband in a Star Trek role playing group on the Internet before meeting people on the internet became a Thing. People thought we were crazy back then. I like doing some creative things too. I'm into quilts and quilting though this is a time consuming hobby so I don't do as much as I dream about. I have dabbled in paper making, but again, not so much time for dedicating to it. That is kind of a theme for me. I like making notebooks from recycled paper that I harvest out of unfinished school books or paper shopping bags or, anything that takes my fancy. I'm a ridiculously liberal person. One of my friends once described herself as "slightly to the left of the Dalai Lama" and I told her that was great and I was stealing it. My philosophy boils down to: if you make informed choices for yourself and are not hurting anyone else by living the way you want.. then why should I or anyone else have a problem with you? I don't subscribe to any particular religions but I do have faith and spirituality. I like to believe in the inherent good of the universe and hope for a healthy, peaceful world.

My Letter To You:

I've been thinking about this for a long time. Even as a child when I first learned about the concept of surrogacy I imagined it might be something I could do for someone one day. I am willing to be an egg donor or a surrogate, or both. I think gestational surrogacy is a better fit for me than traditional. I am more inclined to lean towards gay male couples as potential partners in a possible surrogacy endeavour, 'cause they are kind of at the worst disadvantage in the whole baby making game and because I grew up with two female parents and I have special empathy for the additional challenges that same sex parents face. I do realise that a preference for gestational surrogacy for a gay couple does introduce an additional complication in that you still need an egg from somewhere, but I am hoping that the universe is guiding me right and that if this is meant to be something I do, then the right people, whether they want my eggs or my uterus, will somehow come into my life. I feel very strongly that any arrangements should be open and a child/children should be given honest information about how they arrived.


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