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We Have Found A Surrogate Mother Thanks To Your Site!
Joanne, United Kingdom

Laura may , Female South African Surrogate Mother From South Africa

Laura may Surrogate Mother Profile

Myself, au pair family


Myself and my dog- Mojito
Date Registered: 02 Aug 2013 Last Modified: 10 Apr 2017 Last Signed In: 27 Nov 2017
Added To 23 Favourites Surrogate Signed In 1 Times Has Sent 20 Intro Messages
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Brief Summary Of The Surrogate Mother

I\'am a 35 year old Female South African national from Plumstead in South Africa, I would like to be a Surrogate Mother for Heterosexual , Single Woman,Single Man Couples. I have Blonde hair and Blue Eyes With 13-16 Years Of Education. I currently have a passport and I am willing to travel anywhere in the world.

Contact Information For This Surrogate Mother

Name: Laura may
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
Phone Number: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Plumstead
Region: Western Cape
Country: South Africa

Surrogate Mother Information

Nationality: South African
Race: Caucasian
Age: 35
Gender: Female
I Am A Smoker: No
I Would Like To Be A: Surrogate Mother
Have Been A Surrogate Mother:: No
Years Of Education: 13-16 Years
My Height Is: 157 cm
My Weight Is: 120 Lbs
My Health Is: Excellent
My Blood Type Is: Unknown
My Marital Status Is: Single no partner
Number Of Children I Have Is: 0
I Would Consider Couples Of: Heterosexual Couple, Single Woman, Single Man
I Am Willing To Travel: Yes
I Have A Passport: Yes
My Hair Colour Is: Blonde
My Eye Colour Is: Blue
My Health Is: Excellent

The Reasons I Want To Be A Surrogate Mother:

Since I can remember I've wanted to become a surrogate mother, and would have done so soon but, I was too young to be considered. I have learnt in my life that nothing goes to plan and that sometimes you may need a plan 'B'. To me who has been an au pair for 4 years now I know that children are the greatest gift, it would be the most amazing gift and privilege to provide a loving family with a healthy child.

Description Of Myself:

I'm a healthy, happy, young individual who enjoys life, freinds and my family. Without my family I don't know who I would be. I am a very independent person, who loves animals and children. I was an au pair for 2 years in England, my visa ended and I left the country. Not alone though, I had adopted a puppy who is the love of my life and now lives in South Africa with me. He is my piece of England. I am very active, if not out with my dog, in the gym or exploring with my au pair family.

My Letter To You:

Dear 'incomplete' family I don't understand the pain or feelings you have had not being able to complete your family with a baby, but I hope that I can change that. I would love to be apart of making your and my dreams come true and give you a little healthy miracle. Having a secure and loving family/ home is one of the most important and wonderful things in life. Being able to share it is what makes life worth living. I lead a clean, healthy and sensible lifestyle. I was born and raised in a Christian home, but once growing up and discovering life I have chosen a different path. If I had to choose a religion, I would say I follow more of a Buddhist lifestlye. Be kind to other and creates and that you mind is a powerful tool, being healthy and happy is number one in life. Life is so short and we don't know what will come our way next, all we do know is that we have to make the best of it. Being an au pair has made me fall even more in love with children and the joy they bring to your life. I wish you the best of luck, finding the right one to bring you your baby.


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This site Has Been So helpful. I Have Been A Surrogate 2 Times The 1st Baby Just Turned 2 Years Old, And 2nd Baby Is 7 Months Old Now. I Wish Everyone Good Luck In Their Future Steps Growing Their Families.
Kathy, United States