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Vince, United Kingdom

Heterosexual Couple From Sharon 05065 In United States Looking For Surrogate Mothers, Egg Donors

Tamara Heterosexual Couple Profile

Date Registered: 28 Dec 2012 Last Modified: 28 Dec 2012 Last Signed In: 15 Jan 2013
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Brief Summary Of Heterosexual Couple

Heterosexual Couple From Sharon 05065 In United States Looking For Surrogate Mothers, Egg Donors Between The Ages Of 18 And 38 And Must Be In Good Health.

Contact Information For This Heterosexual Couple

Name: Tamara
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
Phone Number: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Sharon 05065
Region: Vermont
Country: United States

Heterosexual Couple Information And Surrogate Requirements

Nationality: American
Race: Other
Couple Type: Heterosexual Couple
We Smoke: No
We Have Had Surrogate/Donor Before: No
Willing to Travel: Yes
Medical Expenses: 15000-20000 Pounds
Number Of Children: 1
We Are Looking For: Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor,
Aged Between: 18 To 38 Years Old
Country Surrogate/Donor From: Any Country
Nationality Of Surrogate/Donor: West Indian

Why We/I Want A Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

My husband and I have tried for 3 years now to become pregnant with no success. We have a frozen embryo (egg donor/husband sperm) but I am unable to carry a pregnancy. We are looking for a surrogate to carry our embryo to term and we are also interested in an egg donor as a back up. West Indian is preferable as I am part Trinidadian and German, but we would consider other donors with other nationalities if they look similar to me - I look like I can come from many different countries.

Description Of Us:

I am a 44 year old woman who has tried for three years to become pregnant. It has a been a difficult and trying jourbey but I have not given up hope. I am now looking abroad to make my dreams of having a baby and growing our family to become true. My husband and I are vey excited about this possibility. We would be so grateful for your help -either as a gestational carrier/surrogate or egg donor and surrogate.

My Letter To Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

After having tried for multiple years to become pregnant with no success thus far, my husband and I are now looking to you to help us. We are a loving, caring couple who want nothing more than to have a child. There are so many wonderful thi ngs we look forward to by having our own family and so many wonderful things about this world that we want to teach our child. We have kept our hopes up throughout this journey and st times, it has been difficult. We have never given up, however. Now, we are looking inetrnationally to help us achieve our dream of having a baby of our own. Words would not be able to express our gratitude for your help in achieving our dream of having a baby. We thank you so very much for this!


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This Is An amazing Site. I Have Met So Many Great And Loving IP's On Here. I Have Had The Joy And Blessings To Carry For 3 Couples, And Brought 4 Beautiful Surro Babies Into The World. But I Must Retire Now, Im Very Thankful To This Site.
Jennifer, Canada