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Gay Couple From Collonges In France Looking For Surrogate Mothers, Egg Donors

Kevin Gay Couple Profile

Date Registered: 20 Mar 2012 Last Modified: 20 Mar 2012 Last Signed In: 20 Mar 2012
Added To 2 Favourites Couple Signed In 1 Times Been Sent 29 Intro Messages
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Brief Summary Of Gay Couple

Gay Couple From Collonges In France Looking For Surrogate Mothers, Egg Donors Between The Ages Of 24 And 37 And Must Be In Good Health.

Contact Information For This Gay Couple

Name: Kevin
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Collonges
Region: Rhone Alpes
Country: France

Gay Couple Information And Surrogate Requirements

Nationality: French
Race: Caucasian
Couple Type: Gay Couple
We Smoke: No
We Have Had Surrogate/Donor Before: No
Willing to Travel: Yes
Number Of Children: 0
We Are Looking For: Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor,
Aged Between: 24 To 37 Years Old
Country Surrogate/Donor From: Any Country, Belgium, Canada, China, Croatia, France, United States
Nationality Of Surrogate/Donor: American, Belgian, British, Canadian, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss

Why We/I Want A Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

The will to become a father has grown since 6 years now. Surrogacy is the best way for me. I know it is may be asking a lot but nothing can start without also an egg donor. Surrogate mother and egg donor, I feel a little bad to ask for so much. But nature is made that way and it needs 3 things, unfortunately I miss 2 of them. That is why I need help

Description Of Us:

I am a 31 years old French man. I am living near the Switzerland where I am working as a Research assistant on Alzheimer and Parkinson disease. I am also taking courses in clinical research. This will allow me to work sometimes from my house. I decided to do so if I can be lucky and have a child. I am with my boyfriends since 7 years. We have 2 little dogs: the mother and one of her puppy. I love nature and love living surrounded by mountains, trees, and lakes. Learning new things, meet new people, are really important to me. I have a good contact with children.

My Letter To Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

There are no word to express my feeling about all this. Everything started 6 years ago... Well I think a seed has been put at that moment. I lost my mother because of a cancer. She was 49. I never knew how much I'd loved my mother until you learnt that she is sick. Until the last minute I was looking for a miracle. But after a terrible night she closed her eyes and she was gone. When I am closing mine all I see was her smile when she so me holding her hand next to her. This smile that means more than words. This look that overflows you with love. I think I understood what is was to be a Parent, what is was to have a son... I have a wonderful family and I feel really lucky. My education was really good. I don't want this to end. I want to share, to teach what they have taught me. I was to explain how it is working. I want to love from the deepest part of my heart and soul my own child. Thinking about it, I am seeing myself crying holding him in my arm. I want... Well it is better to say , I would like to become a father. If only I could have this opportunity, my life will be complete... I don't want to make anybody cry with this story. I am really sensitive, even if I do not like to admit it. So if you are willing to help me until the end , without playing with me, I would love it. But there are no word to express what you will do for me.


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